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Val McDermid’s Mushroom Soup

“I am of the school of thought that soup is a meal and that you can make soup with just about anything.  This soup is very easy to make – under an hour from chopping board to bowl.”

Val McDermid, Scotland’s queen of crime writing 

Val McDermid is a Scottish crime writer.  She has sold over 17 million books but is perhaps best known for her Wire in the Blood series featuring psychologist, Dr Tony Hill.  Her most recent novel, 1979, is the first in a new series, but it’s still Tartan Noir – and it’s just as good.

When  Val is not writing or researching she might be singing with rock band, Fun Lovin’ Crime writers, supporting Raith Rovers – or cooking!

Val McDermid’s Mushroom Soup

Ingredients: (serves 2)

A couple of shallots

A clove of garlic

A tub of mushrooms

A stock pot

A little oil for frying

A large spoonful of crème fraiche (optional)


  1. Chop up the shallots and garlic and sauté them in the oil.
  2. Chop up the mushrooms and add them to the pot, stir and let all that cook for a few minutes.
  3. Then add the stock pot and enough hot water to fully cover the mushrooms and give you two good servings.
  4. Either cook the soup in the over or on the stove for about 40 minutes.
  5. Stir in a large spoonful of crème fraiche and then blitz the soup in the pot with a handheld blender.
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