How to support us
If you are interested to know what your donation will pay for, or if you would like to make (or receive) a gift of a device to someone who needs it, please click here to look at a range of commonly supplied prosthetic and orthotic devices and their “full cost of production” prices.

If you wish your donation to be used to pay for prosthetic and orthotic devices for people in Malawi and Zambia who would not otherwise be able to afford what they need, just mention “One Smile”. One Smile is a fund within 500 miles which is used exclusively for that purpose – and which will become the main purpose, and eventually the sole purpose, of 500 miles. Find out more here.
Make a one-off or regular donation
You can make a one-off or a regular donation by any of the methods below.
Online: You can make a one-off or regular donation by credit or debit card simply and securely through Just Giving. You can make donation through this service with or without Gift Aid.
Just Giving will invite you to “add a small tip on top of your donation so that they can continue to help more people”. They say this is to avoid charging charities a platform fee – but 500 miles does already pay Just Giving a monthly fee and in addition, Just Giving makes a charge on each donation, so there is absolutely no need to do this! You can select the “Enter custom amount” option and specify 0.
By post: To make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to “500 miles” and send it to 500 miles, Box 500, 44-46 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4BF. Please remember to include a Gift Aid form if you can. You can download a Gift Aid form here.
By standing order: If you’d like to make a regular donation by standing order, you can download a standing order form here, fill it in and return it to us – or use it to find our bank details and set it up direct with your bank in the usual way. If you wish to add Gift Aid please send us a separate Gift Aid form by post to 500 miles, Box 500, 44-46 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4BF. You can download a Gift Aid form here.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can complete a declaration which allows us to claim back tax at the basic rate on every gift you make to us – in other words, we’ll receive an extra 25p for every £1 you give. Click here to download a Gift Aid form. Please send it to us at 500 miles, Box 500, 44-46 Morningside Road, Edinburgh EH10 4BF.
Get involved
If you’d like to start your own event or fundraising activity, get in touch and we’ll provide any advice we can – and we’ll make sure that people hear about it via this website and our newsletters. If you would like to collect donations for your activity online, JustGiving offers a secure and easy way to set this up. Just go to our JustGiving page and follow the instructions. If you need a sponsor form for any kind of event or challenge, you can download a generic sponsor form here.