George Watson's College
Watson’s Malawi Partnership facilitates work between the School’s pupils, staff, parents and other friends in the wider community to build sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships with organisations and individuals in Malawi. As well as sharing in the School’s fundraising, our centres in Malawi enjoy frequent visits from representatives of the School, usually delivering items carried for us in suitcases.
Mail Boxes Etc.
Sandra Sexton
Sophies Minde Ortopedi AS
Rune Nilsen is a senior prosthetist/orthotist at a Norwegian prosthetics and orthotics centre called Sophies Minde Orthopedi. Rune, who is very experienced in international development work, has generously and willingly assisted 500 miles with detailed information and extremely constructive guidance from the outset. Rune’s colleague, Andreas Huck, designed the layout of the 500 miles Centre in Mzuzu for us.
Smalls for All
Smalls for All® is a fantastic Scottish charity, founded and run by Maria Macnamara. It collects underwear to help men, women and children in Africa and the UK. 500 miles needs to keep a supply of pants to preserve the dignity of patients requiring intimate fittings and who often come without underwear. Maria very kindly arranges for us to be kept well stocked-up.
St Francis Hospital Medical Support Group (Netherlands)
St Francis Hospital Medical Support Group (MSG) is a Dutch charity based in The Netherlands which has taken a leading role in coordinating support from Europe for St Francis Hospital in Katete, Zambia (SFH). MSG has been extremely helpful to 500 miles in sending our funds to SFH and in donating a lot of tools for use in our activities there. MSG is also one of the partners which funded the new physiotherapy building at SFH which houses our small operation.