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Brian Beaton

Brian was born with an underdeveloped, fractured tibia. He spent the first 3 months of his life in hospital. When he should have been starting to stand, his mother noticed that he was unable to bear weight through his left leg but she just kept him at home. Fortunately, when Brian was 3 1/2, she took him to Beit CURE Hospital where the surgeons decided to amputate his left leg through the tibia so that he could wear a trans-tibial prosthesis and referred him to 500 miles.

Brian got his first trans-tibial prosthesis in November 2017 at 4 ½ and the second one in February 2019 when he was 6. In August this year, Brian’s mother brought him back to 500 miles from their home in Mulanje because his prosthesis had become too small and worn out. Maliwase Munthali, his prosthetist, fitted him with a new device on which he walks perfectly, as you can see from the video.

Brian is now 7 and in grade 4 of primary school. Luckily by the time he started school, he could already walk with his prosthesis. His classmates have never seen him without it and most of them will not even notice it because he walks perfectly and can play normally and even run with his friends, so avoiding stigma and mocking.

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