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Benadeta Singini

Bena outside the centre

My name is Elvas Benadeta Singini. I am a 33-year-old Malawian female from a family of two children – just my younger brother and me – but on 7 September 2019 I got married to Madalitso Banda and we were blessed with beautiful twin girls named Chifundo and Chifuniro on 28th October 2020. Now I have a big family as well as my brother.

Bena with her two beautiful children

I come from Zakeyo Mtonga village, T.A Kampingo Sibande, Eswazini in Mzimba District. Mzimba District is in the northern part of Malawi. I now stay in Lilongwe. 

I did my primary school education at Enyezini Primary School in Mzimba District from 1996-2003. Then I was selected to attend Ekwendeni Girls’ Secondary School. I was there from 2004-2007. At secondary school I was sponsored by the Mamie Martin Foundation from Scotland. I wrote my O-level examinations in 2007. I passed well although I had to repeat these exams again in 2009 because I had a problem in one of the subjects.

In 2009 I applied to work at the 500 miles Prosthetics and Orthotics Centre at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe and was selected. I began work there in October 2009 and continued there until I went to college.

Elvas in the workshop

In 2010 I enrolled at the college of Tanzania Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technology for a 3-year diploma course which trains people in prosthetics and orthotics, sponsored by 500 miles. I qualified at the top of my class in July 2013.

Elvas in the workshop
Elvas in the workshop

After my diploma course in July 2013, I started work in September the same year at 500 Miles Prosthetics and Orthotics Centre at Mzuzu central Hospital. It was a very good experience because I was not only involved in fabrication of devices but also doing outreaches in many rural areas as most of our clients in the north didn’t know about our services.

Bendadeta with a patient
Bendadeta with a patient

In February 2016, 500 miles sponsored me to do Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics with Human Study e.V. which offers a blended e-learning course. All the theories plus exams were offered on-line but we were doing our practicals in Tunisia because the majority of our class members were from Tunis. Our final practical exam was held in June 2019 at Sirindhorn School of Prosthetics and Orthotics based at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. I was doing school while still working at 500 miles at MCH.

Benadeta Graduating

Thanks to 500 miles, I am now a qualified prosthetist and orthotist. On graduation I became the clinical leader at 500 miles at MCH. I thank 500 miles for all that is has done for me. May God bless its management.

When the prosthetics and orthotics department at MCH was handed over to MCH by 500 miles on 1st July 2021, I became the manager and I held that role for two full years before becoming the manager of the 500 miles Prosthetics and Orthotics Centre at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe. This is a much busier Centre – we are dispensing over 100 devices each month! We are looking forward to moving into the Lilongwe Institute of Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery and then to the handing over of the prosthetic and orthotics service to the Malawi government.

I want to provide good quality and efficient Prosthetics and Orthotics services to all people living with disability in Malawi. I also want to encourage and assist people living with disabilities to participate in life and feel part of their society.

Bena at the team at the Lilongwe Institute of Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery

I like going to church, chatting, watching movies, studying and travelling. I dislike bullying and gossip.

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