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Kinros Maliseni

Kinros Maliseni was still at nursery school when he was playing at the maize meal shop with his 4-year-old friends. Not understanding the danger of the grinding machine, he was sitting with his right leg in the idle machine when it was suddenly turned on. He suffered a very traumatic amputation and is lucky that he only lost his right leg below the knee.

Kinros' device
Kinros gait training

KCH referred Kinros to 500 miles for a prosthesis. Kinros is very young and his coordination is poor so he struggled to weight bear and walk with the device but he eventually managed as you can see in the short video below – and with physiotherapy and gait training he will improve as he also gains confidence.

The price of Kinros’s leg was £175. His family contributed about 45% with One Smile making up the difference.

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